

  • 公司名称宜兴市斯太尔热力科技有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/5/15 15:24:29
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宜兴市斯太尔热力科技有限公司位于素有“陶都”之称的江苏省宜兴市万石镇,是集窑炉开发设计、高温材料研制于一身的部门。主要设计生产高温实验炉、实验炉、气氛炉、管式炉、旋转管式炉、真空气氛炉、真空气氛管式炉、箱式气氛炉、辊道窑炉、井式坩埚炉、网带烧银炉、推板炉、锂电正负极材料窑炉、LED荧光粉体材炉、锻烧炉、烧结炉、预烧炉、排胶炉、烧银炉、熔铝炉等,广泛应用于电子元件、粉体、陶瓷、锂电等行业领域。适用于各类产品的预烧、排胶、烧成、锻烧、烧结、烘干、烧银、热处理、固化、陶瓷金属化等工序,公司采用优质品牌电器元件、控温仪表、发热元件及其配套设备,学习吸取的炉衬技术与设计理念以确保我们的产品达到更高的可靠性能、优化的设计、稳定的质量与合理的价格。    企业理念:创新优秀的技术, 制造的产品, 提供优良的服务, 创造超越的价值。    服务承诺:充分了解用户的需求,提供适用于用户的解决方案,积极清楚的回答用户的各种咨询,做到想户之所想,满足用户需求。及时沟通反馈,使用户了解产品的进度及质量情况。对用户的设备操作人员进行技术培训,提供完备的设备操作规程。按期回访客户,了解用户的使用情况,及时解决用户的各种困难。    衷心感谢多年来新老客户对斯太尔科技的支持,我公司在以后的日子里将一如既往的秉着:一、服务至上、互惠互利的企业精神与您共创辉煌。
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设计定做各行业烧结网带炉,修改加长各行窑炉 产品信息
  Goldman sachs visited China and Japan in March 26 after factory, exclamation of China's new factory high degree of automation  . However, while there are advanced examples, we cannot ignore the low level of automation in China. The agency also points out that more automation is not always better, and that too much automation can hurt productivity.

  Goldman's main arguments are as follows:

  China now is undergoing rapid change, this kind of changes have happened in the past, in Japan and other developed  : factory automation degree of increase. Faced with rising Labour and fixed costs, the pace of automation in China is remarkable.

  The rhythm of the enterprise automation is determined by the market demand for products quality and precision, with a  economies of scale have relations.

  China's car industry is a case in point. Generally speaking, the auto industry are supposed to be all industry robot (permeability) ultra high degree of automation in the industry, in fact, China's new car factory, have the robot  ultra high permeability.

  From October in 2014, for example, the Nissan (Nissan) dalian factory, permeability, has 83% of the robot is Nissan  a high in the factory. That compares with 56 per cent penetration at nissan's guangzhou huadu plant, which opened in May 2004.

  Domestic auto enterprises, such as Geely, Geely is trying to catch up, this the business to a new factory in ningbo, for example, in production process such as stamping, welding, painting, actively introducing foreign super new equipment, to replace domestic equipment, the plant capacity at about 150000 per month, using more than 100 sets of spot welding robot, compared with foreign car factory are the same.

  Goldman sachs also said China's factories may be modernizing faster than expected, given the policy support:

  Given the support of the Chinese policy, we believe that the "future factory" will be realized in China faster than expected (although this does not necessarily mean that it is economically beneficial).

  As far as we know, a system integration enterprise  is in discussion and a government at the provincial level in China by the government, industry fund investment in local scale (20 billion yuan) in build a demonstration plant, highly automated production of advanced hardware and software industry, is expected to become the overall manufacturing service provider, or become enterprises can lease the factory.

  However, while there are advanced examples, it cannot be ignored that the overall level of automation in China is relatively low at present:

  China is still  a manufacturing centre, which represents 30% of GDP  manufacturing, Chinese companies have been intensive talk about industrial 4.0, but we think that most companies actually is still unfinished 3.0 / industrial automation stage.

  For example, one of the Chinese super-large compressor manufacturers in Shanghai has started to use industry 4.0 technology in the production process, but the lack of big data analysis ability/platform has limited the management and production of the enterprise to move towards a more intelligent direction.

  Although China's current overall low degree of automation, labor cost and developed  than in the narrow, but it is still significantly lower than the developed , therefore, of artificial to automate incentive is relatively weak. Our budget for Chinese enterprises, according to the analysis of its capital spending/revenue ratio or lower than the mature developed  a manufacturing enterprise.






